3 simple ways to find more patients

3 Simple Ways to Find More Patients

April 19, 2016

Welcome newcomers to the community.

If you know the demographic of your market, you’ll have some idea of the type of person who is likely to visit a dentist regularly in your neighbourhood. Send them a welcoming letter. Educate them to your service and provide them with an irresistible offer. A letter that encourages newcomers into the practice is included in the ‘DPS – Business Growth’ – available from DPS Marketing.

Work co-operatively with complementary businesses.

Here’s another great opportunity to attract new clients that is cost-effective and works well because it benefits both parties. Joint venture marketing is new to Dentist practices but very effective.

Invite your clients to bring their friends in.

Any referral programme that you instigate within your practice will build sales and ensure a continuous stream of new patients. The main reason behind this is the fact that your patients WILL do what you ask them, particularly if you’re providing excellent service. These patients become advocates for your practice. Looking at it the other way – they won’t refer people to your practice regularly unless you ask them to and unless you make it easy for them to do so. Also, if you provide some sort of reward for doing it, you will get a much greater response from clients. A complete referral program is available from DPS – it’s called ‘DPS Referral’